Storing magic mushrooms can be tricky, as they lose potency over time. Ancient methods like infusing them in honey are making a comeback. This article will teach you how to combine psilocybin with honey for long-lasting effects and exciting uses. 

Get ready to sweeten your knowledge! 

Key Takeaways 

  • Microdose Shroom Honey is an ancient preservation method that infuses psilocybin from mushrooms into honey, extending shelf life and creating a psychoactive product known as ‘blue honey.’ 
  • Honey’s antibacterial properties prevent spoilage, making it ideal for preserving the quality of mushrooms while adding sweetness; this enhanced honey can be used in various recipes or taken alone for its psychedelic effects. 
  • To make magic mushroom honey, clean and dry fresh mushrooms, chop them up, cover with raw honey in a jar, let the mixture sit for weeks to infuse, then strain out solids before using. 
  • This unique form of preservation is practical and allows users to control their dosage of psilocybin and integrate it easily into social events as an innovative culinary ingredient. 
  • Incorporating magic mushroom honey in hospitality offers guests an unusual experience through cocktails or dishes with delightful flavours and mind-altering benefits. 

The Revival of Magic Mushroom Honey 

Honey has been historically used to preserve mushrooms, and it is making a comeback to create magic mushroom honey. This unique preservation method has several benefits and involves the extraction of psilocybin compounds from mushrooms into honey for various uses. 

History of using honey to preserve mushrooms 

Honey’s natural preservative properties made it a valuable resource for ancient food preservation techniques. People discovered that submerging mushrooms in honey helped to extend their shelf life significantly due to the antibacterial qualities of the sweet substance. 

This method was beneficial before modern refrigeration as an essential means of keeping edible fungi from spoiling. 

The practice took an intriguing turn with psychoactive mushrooms, such as Psilocybe cubensis, popularly known among psychedelic enthusiasts. Cultures with a history of traditional healing often used these powerful fungi for their mind-altering effects. 

Immersing these mushrooms in honey not only preserved them but also infused them with psilocybin compounds over time, creating what is now called ‘magic mushroom honey’ or ‘blue honey.’ This multipurpose concoction served medicinal and spiritual purposes throughout various cultures worldwide. 

Benefits of using honey to preserve mushrooms 

Using honey to preserve mushrooms offers several benefits. Honey has natural antibacterial properties, which can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, keeping the mushrooms longer. 

Additionally, honey is hygroscopic, meaning it draws moisture out of its environment, creating an inhospitable environment for microbial growth as like stimulation to travel in desired realm. This helps maintain the preserved mushrooms’ texture and quality while enhancing their flavour with a hint of sweetness from the honey infusion. 

Furthermore, using honey to preserve mushrooms allows for easy consumption and integration into various recipes. The sweet taste of infused mushroom honey balances with savoury dishes or can be used as a natural sweetener in beverages and desserts. 

The process of making mushroom honey 

To make mushroom honey, start by gathering fresh mushrooms and raw honey. 

  • Clean the mushrooms thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. 
  • Dry the mushrooms completely using a paper towel or cloth. 
  • Chop the mushrooms into small pieces to increase the surface area for extraction. 
  • Place the chopped mushrooms in a glass jar and cover them with raw honey, ensuring they are fully submerged. 
  • Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for several weeks to allow the psilocybin compounds to infuse into the honey. 
  • Shake the jar gently every few days to facilitate extraction and ensure even distribution of the psychedelic compounds. 
  • After several weeks, strain the mushroom-infused honey through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any remaining solid particles. 

Ways to Use Magic Mushroom Honey 

– Incorporate magic mushroom honey as a unique ingredient in your favourite recipes to add an extra psychedelic touch to your dishes, or consume it on its own for a dose of psilocybin. 

Additionally, consider using it as a unique addition to hospitality and entertaining, offering guests a one-of-a-kind experience using mushroom-infused honey. 

As an ingredient in recipes 

Add a delightful twist to your culinary creations by incorporating magic mushroom honey. Elevate the flavours of your favourite dishes with a hint of earthy sweetness and a touch of psychedelic essence. 

The rich, complex notes of psilocybin-infused honey can complement savoury and sweet recipes, adding an intriguing dimension to your culinary adventures. 

Not only does magic mushroom honey offer unique flavour profiles, but it also introduces an entirely new realm of experiential dining. Embrace the versatility of this remarkable ingredient in recipes that span from appetizers to desserts. 

Create unforgettable gastronomic experiences that leave a lasting impression on your guests, or enjoy its transformative effects as part of your culinary journey towards innovation and creativity. 

As a standalone dose of psilocybin 

When used as a standalone dose of psilocybin, magic mushroom honey offers a convenient and palatable way to consume the psychedelic compound. The honey acts as a natural carrier for the psilocybin, making it easier to ingest compared to consuming raw mushrooms or other forms of extracts. 

This method particularly appeals to individuals who prefer precise dosing and a more enjoyable consumption experience. Additionally, by infusing honey with psilocybin, users can slowly savour the effects over time rather than experiencing them all at once. 

The convenience and discretion of using magic mushroom honey also make it an attractive option for those seeking therapeutic or recreational benefits from psilocybin. As an alternative medicine approach gains popularity in treating various conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD, this method provides a discreet way for individuals to incorporate controlled doses of psilocybin into their wellness routines. 

As a unique addition to hospitality and entertaining 

Enhance your next gathering by incorporating magic mushroom honey into your hospitality offerings. Surprise and delight your guests with unique cocktails, appetizers, or desserts infused with psychedelic honey. 

The mushroom-infused honey’s vibrant blue hue and earthy flavour can elevate the overall experience for your friends and family, creating an unforgettable addition to any social event. 

With its versatility as both an ingredient and a conversation starter, magic mushroom honey will surely spark curiosity among your guests. Whether you’re hosting a small dinner party or a larger gathering, this one-of-a-kind element will set your entertainment apart while adding an extra layer of intrigue to the occasion. 


Discover the unique revival of magic mushroom honey to preserve mushrooms. Explore the history, benefits, and process of making this extraordinary concoction. Delve into the various ways to use magic mushroom honey in recipes or as a standalone dose of psilocybin. 

Embrace its potential for adding a distinctive touch to hospitality and entertaining endeavours with this intriguing infusion. Experience the renaissance of psychedelic preservation through this innovative approach that combines nature’s gifts in an enticing blend.